Friday, May 16, 2014

Divine Dines: Chickpea and Black Bean Crackers

Welcome back to Divine Dines! This week we're going to look at a vegan cracker recipe that I've made twice now.

This time I found the recipe on Love Food Eat, I went with her Oil-Free Healthy Chickpea Crackers.

You can either follow that link or follow along with me here as I discuss the changes and mistakes I made.
But first:
1 540ml can of chickpeas
1 cup whole wheat flour
1 tsp salt
1 tsp dried thyme

  1. Preheat oven to 160C (320F)
  2. Open and rinse your peas. Rinse them really well so that all of the gritty muck that they are packaged in is rinsed away.
  3. Next, using a food processor (or a potato masher and lots of arm strength) mash the peas into a nice thick paste.
  4. Add in the flour and seasonings, and combine fully.
  5. On a sheet of waxed paper roll out your dough as thinly as you can. Seriously. I rolled mine to about 1/8th of an inch and it was way too thick.
  6. Cut out your crackers (whatever shape you want) I suggest 1 1/2 inch squares. 
  7. Place them as close as you like on an ungreased cookie sheet, just make sure they don't overlap
  8. Bake for 20-30 minutes, or until they are crispy. This may take a while!
So first, my modifications. I used canned chickpeas rather than rehydrated dried ones that were suggested. I found that easier and quicker (it is also what we had on hand). Next, I used seasoning salt instead of regular, which gave the crackers a little more kick.
Finally, on my second batch I used black beans instead of chickpeas, which turned out great! I think I'll try kidney beans next.

On to my mistakes. I only made two, but they seriously effected my outcome: 
  1. I didn't roll mine thinly enough. I rolled and rolled and rolled, but they were still about 1/8th of an inch thick. This feels too thick.
  2. I didn't cook them long enough. If I had left them in the oven longer, it probably would have mitigated the thicker cracker. As it is I left them in for the suggested 30 minutes, and instead of crispy crackly crackers, I got a strange kind of chickpea leather. 
So in the future I will roll even more (ow, my arms...) and bake longer. They really need to be crispy to be fully enjoy.

As it is, however, the flavour is wonderful, even if the texture is lacking.

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