Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Real Life Reviews: The Common Market

The Common Market is a mid-sized coffee shop in downtown Kingston, located at 136 Ontario Street. It has a slice of a waterfront view between two apartment buildings. The front of the building is unimposing and easy to miss if you weren't looking for it. The awning boasts Espresso, Cafe, Baked Goods, Gourmet Meals to Go, Produce and Fine Foods. And it certainly lives up to its awning.

Inside you are greeted with a warm farmer's market style. Fresh produce and bread are found in produce crates and baskets. Chalkboards advertise fare. The people are friendly and inviting, greeting you as soon as you walk through the door. Pantries sit open to combine with open freezers to offer dry and cold foods to go.

I was disappointed to learn that the ready to eat foods were limited to the sausages in the freezer chests and the baked goods, all of the gourmet pastas and other meal ideas were to go frozen foods. However the quality of the food available greatly makes up for it.

Scones, biscotti, cookies and tarts supplement your average coffee fare. Espresso, mocha lattes and cappuccino as well as a selection of fresh brewed coffees. All of which are advertised as locally roasted, organic and fair trade.

Now, if you're like me and you hate coffee, don't back away just yet. There are teas and hot chocolate on order as well. In the summer they also have iced coffees and Italian sodas on offer. Not to mention the selection of organic beverages for sale in the refrigerated chests.

The refrigerated section in the back of the store offers a selection grocery store like items. From cereal to local cheeses and meats one could easily stock the main portion of their kitchen from this shop alone.

Prices do not seem astronomical for someone used to Starbucks, but for a Timmie's lover you might have to swallow a little shock. But it is really true that you get what you pay for in quality.

The atmosphere is the real selling point of this otherwise out of the way coffee shop. Warm, inviting and clean it feels like walking into the past, where everyone is a neighbor. The stone brick walls and warm wood accents really play on the desire for an old general store ambiance. Big windows open the place up for plenty of natural light, while still maintaining the warm yellowy flavour.

All in all I would recommend The Common Market to people looking for a warm refuge on a cold day, or a blast from the friendly past. Those looking to be more conscious of where their food is coming from, and those with a little extra spending money. A bit of a hike from the downtown transfer point (but right on the #3 bus route) The Common Market is a dream come true for the trendy coffee chic of Kingston's downtown region.

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